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Project Team Rewards
would not be executed. In any case, there is no reason to waste resources. Therefore, the
project’s relevance seems to have no impact on the reward answers. 
5.3.7.  Impact of Success Criteria
An analysis of the projects success criteria’s impact on the reward answers was difficult
because no agreement exists what reliable success criteria for projects are (see Appendix
What are Success Criteria?, p. 98). Depending on the criteria, the impact on the
reward answers may vary. For instance, time and cost are quite objective and quantitative
measures. As long as the time and cost goals are seen as realistic, performance or maybe
even result-based rewards might be appropriate. Since time and cost can clearly be
measured, also incentives could be agreed. In contrast, client’s satisfaction, or project’s
quality are more subjective. Here, maybe competence rewards are more appropriate. In
addition, the weight of the success criteria needs consideration. If the reward
focus is
solely on time and cost, quality likely will suffer because there is no (economic) reason for
team members to focus on it. 
5.3.8.  Impact of Project Stages
In line management, employees usually are rewarded on a monthly or yearly basis. The
project’s stages provide a ‘natural’ point in time
to assess and reward the project team.
However, since the end of every project stage usually is considered as a milestone, more
details are covered in 5.3.12. Impact of Project Management Tools (p. 56). 
5.3.9.  Impact of Member Fluctuation
The research indicates that the higher the member fluctuation, the more likely
individual rewards should be used. The lower the fluctuation, the more likely group
rewards are preferable. One basic requirement for group rewards is trust between the
members and a group identity (Armstrong 2000). If member fluctuation is high, building
trust and a group identity seems difficult. In addition, if many different members work on
a project and those members spend a different amount of time on the project, distributing a
group reward equally might become difficult. In those cases, focusing on individual
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