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Project Team Rewards
About the Author
About the Author
Jöran Beel is currently doing his PhD and works as a researcher for VLBA-Lab, a joint
venture of SAP AG and Magdeburg University, Germany.
He obtained an MSc in
Business Information Systems at Magdeburg University, and an MSc in Project
Management at Lancaster University Management School,
Jöran Beel has several
years of work experience in project management. Among others he realised projects for
Infineon Technologies, the German health insurance AOK, the International Organization
for Standardization (ISO), and the ETH Zürich. 
Jöran Beel published several research papers and his 2005 published book about
Germany’s new electronic passport
became the standard reference on the highly
discussed ePass
in Germany.
In 2003 Jöran Beel was invited by German’s Federal
Minister for Education and Research to present his research results in the field of
telematics at the Hannover Messe.
In addition, the quality of Jöran Beel’s
research has
earned him awards from German’s Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, the German Association
of Electrical Engineers VDE, and others.
Further information
about the author is
on his personal webpage
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