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Project Team Rewards
The structure of this thesis
is as follows. Chapter 1
(p. i) is the introduction and
provides an overview of the thesis. The research problem and three research questions are
stated in Chapter 2
(p. 3). Chapter 3
(p. 5) is a literature review of general reward
project management literature. In the literature review, the formerly
identified gap
between those two literature types is investigated. In addition, different perspectives in the
reward community are highlighted that are relevant for project team rewards and built the
base for this thesis’ research. Chapter 4
(p. 37) discusses the research methods that were
used to answer the research questions. In Chapter 5 (p. 43), the literature-based research
results, which form the answers to the research questions, are provided. Chapter 6 (p. 59)
presents the results from case study analyses that approve the results from the fifth
chapter. Finally, Chapter 7 (p. 63) presents a summary of this thesis. 
1. Introduction ............................................................................................... 1
2. Research Problem.................................................................................... 3
3. Literature Review ..................................................................................... 5
4. Research Design ....................................................................................37
5. Results ......................................................................................................43
7. Conclusion ...............................................................................................63
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