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Project Team Rewards
Research Problem
2.  Research Problem 
A preliminary literature review for this thesis
revealed a gap between general
reward literature and project management literature regarding the question of how to
reward project teams
(Beel 2006). The initial investigation of the literature had revealed
that reward literature covers rewards in line management from many perspectives and in
detail. In addition, rewards for special groups such as sales staff or (top) managers are
considered in depth. On the other hand, project management literature focuses on many
aspects in project management but covers rewards only superficially, if at all. The
identified gap describes the fact that rewards for project teams are widely ignored from
both types of literature. 
The identification of the gap has lead to three research questions that were researched
for this thesis in order to close the gap:
What is the current role and use of rewards in project teams? For the answer, see
5.1.Current Role and Use of Rewards in Project Teams (p. 44).
To what extent could the development of a ‘project team reward model’ increase
project team motivation and project success? For the answer, see 5.2. The Need
for a Project Team Reward Model (p. 46).
What could a ‘project team reward model’ look like? For the answer, see
5.3 Project Characteristics’ Impact on the Reward Answers (p. 50).
No distinction is
made between human resource management, psychological and
sociological literature. It is
all combined under the term reward literature. This is
sufficient since no relevant differences exist regarding the purpose of this thesis. Literature
with a general project management focus is referred to as project management literature.
If the term literature is used, both reward and project management literature is meant.
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