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Project Team Rewards
Literature Review
3.6. Summary and Evaluation
Six reward questions were identified by the literature review. These reward questions
Rewarding or not rewarding?
Whom to reward?
What to reward?
What kind of reward?
How much reward?
When to reward?
In the literature, three perspectives exist how to answer the questions. One perspective
claims, that rewards are ineffective under any circumstances. Therefore, only the first
question needs an answer and the answer is not to reward. The second perspective
contrasts the first perspective. It argues rewards are always effective and there exists one
best practice approach of how to reward employees whatever the circumstances are. These
two perspectives were classified as two ‘extremes’ since they both claim to be absolute.
The third perspective proposes a ‘moderate’ approach. The argument of the third
perspective advocates that certain variable factors influence the right reward answers.
These factors were classified as internal and external reward factors in this thesis. It was
shown that the two extreme perspectives only provide an incomplete picture of rewards
and cannot explain all incidents in the reward practice. Only
the modest perspective
provides a holistic view on rewards. It can be used to explain all occurring incidents in the
reward practice. Therefore, it was concluded that the third perspective is the most valid
approach for rewarding employees. 
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