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Project Team Rewards
Research Design
people decide which literature is offered by the libraries or databases. Accordingly, certain
literature advocating a preferred school of thought might be available while another is not.
Search engines can only provide access to literature that is published on the web.
Depending on the search algorithm, certain types of literature are presented in a more
favourable way. Nevertheless, due to the variety of sources it seems likely that all relevant
perspectives were considered and the research provides sufficient validity. 
Table 12: Sources of Literature
Figure 7 (p. 40) shows the typical research cycle consisting of deductive and inductive
research. Inductive research describes the process of empirical generalisation: from
specific observations, general conclusions are drawn (Handy 2006). Deductive research
describes logical reasoning based on premises that were previously proven by inductive
research. The new ideas that result from deductive research then can be approved by
inductive research and so on. The deductive/inductive research cycle is closely related
with the philosophy of post-positivism and constructivism that state, “all measurement is
fallible” (Trochim 2006:2). This is in contrast to positivism which was particularly popular
in the mid of the 20th century and holds the idea that anything could be exactly measured
Electronic Databases
Electronic Databases were available via Lancaster University. Further databases could be
accessed via Macquarie University Sydney where the author had studied two years ago
and still has an online account. Management as well as psychological and sociological
databases were considered for the research.
Libraries at Lancaster University and Otto-von-Guericke University in Germany were used
where the author is enrolled as a student.
Google Books
Google Books ( has been used. It offers a full text search in many
books and some of these books can be viewed online.
Scholarly Search Engines
Scholarly Search Engines were used that offer a full text search in academic articles.
Namely, Google Scholar (, CiteSeer 
Normal Search Engines
Normal Search Engines were used to search public documents accessible via the
internet. Namely,,, and were used.
Direct Author Contact
Direct Author Contact was tried to establish if documents were not available via one of the
other sources. For instance, Alfie Kohn, Robert Filipczak, Birgitta Wolff, and Olaf Fisscher
have successfully been contacted by email while other authors did not respond. In
addition, further people, personally known to the author and with professional relevance to
the topic, have been asked for literature recommendations. If available, authors website’s
were considered as well.
Table 12: Sources of Literature
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