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Project Team Rewards
Research Design
4. Research Design
A gap exist between reward literature and project management literature what has led to
three research questions that were subject of this thesis’
research (see also 2.
Problem, p. 3):
What is the current role and use of rewards in project teams?
To what extent could the development of a ‘project team reward model’
increase project team motivation and project success? 
What could a ‘project team reward model’ look like? 
The research questions’ answers are provided in the next chapter (see 5. Results, p. 43).
This chapter describes and analyses the applied research methodologies
that were used,
namely literature-based research and analysis of existing case studies. 
The research process can be divided into three main stages. During the first stage,
different ideas for the thesis were collected. After some basic research, rewards for project
teams seemed to be the most attractive topic to the author because it was a new field where
little was written about. The second stage, which lasted 24 days, delineates the creation of
a thesis proposal (Beel 2006). The proposal’s main aim was to provide a first overview of
the research topic and develop the research questions. The third stage describes the
following 3 and half months. During that time the main research was performed and the
written. During the second and third stage, the author of the thesis
had frequent
contact with his academic tutors who provided advice on the research process, about every
one or two weeks. The research itself was performed solely by the author of the thesis. 
The research in the third stage was performed in several steps. First, the utilised sources
(see Table 12, p. 39,
for a list) were checked for general literature about rewards, project
management and rewards in project management. The search concentrated on a few
keywords: project management, project teams, rewards, incentives, recognition.
Combinations such as ‘project team rewards’
and variations such as ‘rewarding’
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