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Project Team Rewards
List of Tables
List of Tables
Table 1: Reward Aims......................................................................................................6
Table 2: The Six Reward Questions and Possible Answers.............................................8
Table 3: Reward Pros and Cons .....................................................................................10
Table 4: Factors Influencing the Reward Answers ........................................................13
Table 5: Motivation Theories I.......................................................................................15
Table 6: Motivation Theories II .....................................................................................17
Table 7: Team vs. Individual Rewards...........................................................................21
Table 8: Incentives and Recognition (Exmpl.)...............................................................23
Table 9: Performance Related Rewards (Pros and Cons) ..............................................26
Table 10: Project Management Books, Categorised ......................................................29
Table 11: Reasons for Change Resistance......................................................................31
Table 12: Sources of Literature ......................................................................................39
Table 13: Project Characteristics I .................................................................................47
Table 14: Project Characteristics II ................................................................................49
Table 15: Reviewed Case Studies ..................................................................................99
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